Double Wing Offense Top Youth Football Formation

The Double Wing Offense is a top youth football formation. The DW is probably in the top 10 youth offensive football formations in my opinion. The double tight double wing offense is very popular in pee wee football, maybe one of the best offenses across the country run in many little league football programs. I have run the Double Wing many youth fb seasons.

Below is a DW formation diagram drawn up in a Double Tight Double Wing formation or the DTDW. The Offensive line splits in this DW formation are 0 to 6 inches and the Wingbacks are in tight tilted toward the football. The FB is sniffing at the QB and or off-set over the guard just a tad. The QB will be under Center in this tight Double Wing Offense.

Double Wing Offense Formation

Double Wing Offense Formation
Double Wing / DW / Double Tight DW

The above double wing formation diagram is a double tight double wing alignment for the DW. Many power running youth football teams run this formation popularized by Don Markam originator of the DTDW, The Toss by Jerry Vallotton and the Gregory Double Wing many years ago. Of course the original Double Wing formation was developed by Pop Warner in the early 1910s. There are many versions of the DW.

Basic Double Wing Plays

  • QB / FB Wedge
  • FB Blast
  • Power Off-Tackle
  • WB Counter
  • WB Reverse
  • WB Sweep
  • TE Pop Pass

I run a DW version I call Speed. It is a little more spread out with the Wingbacks wider and I focus more on the outside Sweep plays and misdirection. It is a fun offense to run if you have the right talent pool and roster.

Check out Coach Parker’s Double Wing Selected Youth Football Plays eBook.

What youth football formation and or offense do you coach? Or which is your favorite? Do you like the Double Wing Offense? Let me know I would love to hear from you.

If you have any questions on the Double Wing Offense, a top youth football formation, please contact me or leave a comment below.

Thank You,
Coach Parker

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